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Workdesk with Aki Lee: Day #3

Writer's picture: Shawna ChiaShawna Chia

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS page or down below!

- Aki continued to read the book, Relational Aesthetics by Nicolas Bourriaud  (Mandarin Version)

- She began quantifying reading hours and time needed to study the text.

- Aki calculated that she needed 4.5 hr to read each day hence finishing the book by Monday

- Aki thought about the working patterns and the presentation of her working patterns 

- Development of knowledge based trust in order to have this dialogue-based investigation based on the trust that Aki and Winnie have in communicating and understanding each other (Synergy)

- Awareness of the viewer's gaze and format of participation 

- Studying the web views and engagement numbers (What do they mean?)

Complete notes between Winnie (curator) & Aki (AIR)



p15/137; 2h-10%;18h left;


Working Pattern:

Fact: live stream-给艺术家工作带来了观众

? invisible observator -看什么,在想什么,看到了什么,怎么想

What’s hidden behind the screen:

  • how do i work:

  • how do i arrange my schedule 2pm-3pm准备;3pm-5pm直播;30min-1h回顾;

  • Relational Based, trust among the dialogue

  • Trust Building

  • knowledge based trust

  • to have this dialogue based investigation is base on the trust that (we both) have

  • in communicating and understanding each other

  • the synergy (note by winnie)

  • Emotions: doubt/lost/overload/insomnia…

  • Political depression (share your resources: money materials, or enhance/spread/share information capital)

  • mind+body


  • web-eyes

  • medium

  • internet-based engagement

where when what who how

  • adaptions

  • does the comments will interrupt

  • numbers, data, disappointment, changing patterns

  • the meaning of transparency

why shall we be transparent


Internet-based engagement:


→ 评判关系美学作品的时候,需要一种抽象性的理解、才能够发现它的形式、以及这种形式与其内容的对应、再从抽象的角度找到它的象征意义。

→ 在场体验的需求:是与作品发生关系、与艺术所构成的临时集体性发生关系的必要要素。


观众参与度:Facebook based live stream opened up more access for participation and provided windows for reflections.

作品特性: Process based, time based,

作品所提示或再现的社会性样式:Transparency (internet)





但如果生产的是一个过程、是一个无形的作品,比如说关系、社群、情感、知识,那么它依旧可以影响观众,从而与其发生关系i.e. youtuber 教学视频、声音疗愈、媒体人打造社群;这个时候临时的集体性,是否就演化成了从用户画像到数据操控?)


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