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  • Writer's pictureShawna Chia

Workdesk with Aki Lee: Day #2

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS page or down below!

- The use of the triplet methods to establish and break down our different understanding on the same topic. 

- Knowledge cross-sphere 

- It is a performance as a demonstration of knowledge production.

As both of us has different backgrounds and different understandings of what things and concepts mean, so we are trying to establish a common ground that addresses and consolidate both of our knowledge in this sphere. 

Complete notes between Winnie (curator) & Aki (AIR)

  1. Live Streaming Tryingout

  2. Recapt Dialogue

  3. Format Testing

  4. Review & Organize(explain process\invisibilities\re-framing values)

  5. Research: triplet method of Relational aesthetics\socially engaged art\social practise\social design


《关系美学》Nicolas Bourriaud


世界是由物质性与未定型的会面所构成的。【提图斯·卢克来修·卡鲁斯Titus Lucretius Carus、托马斯霍不斯Thomas Hobbes、马克思、阿尔都塞】艺术也是由形式与符号偶然且混沌的结合所组成的。今天的艺术家以创造能够发生会面的空间来开始,当前的艺术并不呈现工作结果,而是呈现工作自身或未来的工作。

-虚假性 vs 虚构 vs 科幻 triplet method

-口述历史 vs 虚假性



triplet method






Dialogue as the Content:通过对话呈现思考过程,以及情景。

knowledge crossfields:通过对话形成我们知识网络的交集 (两个人带上望远镜看远方、是否通过望远镜看到的是一样的风景呢?)

knowledge crossphere _ winnie

  • notion of gaze - usually talks about bias and identity (subject position)

→ gaze 與視覺與視綫的關係

→ what are you looking at and how are you looking at it.什么造成了你的观点,你怎么看,你看到什么

  • dialogue - bouncing off ideas ( ping pong reflection )

→ a context and a form of presentation

Process-oriented Research

  • knowledge topography

  • our research is open-end, 呈现我们的思考过程而不是draw a conclusion 更不是prompt an idea

  • Research based

  • investigation of [ ] unknown?

  • timebased medium

  • democratic engagement to participation

  • story\fiction

Nature of Online Residency

  • Performative act

  • Transparent working mode

  • web-based format→ window of comments


Identify the Invisibilities

  • observations in content making, observing things that are around but indivisible.

  • societal level: what are the ignored things/matter*

  • suffering of the mind/the body i.e. 工作状态、情感

Value - Artistic Qualities, Perspective Change

  • artistic quality & standard → reframing the value of [x] Site-specific approaches. The results and products may not always be tangible or material in their nature, but is always human-oriented.

  • trying to reshape value by demonstration → 通过身先示范=身体力行+亲身示范,重塑觀念上的價值


  • 抽象性成果

  • 新词:通过制造新的词汇,撇除原有词意带来的“偏见”

  • 豆腐:对于某一种物品的观察,可以有不同的解释

→区别 socially engaged art - social practice - social design

  • 嗜物之情,对于物品的迷恋、和受物品的影响(affect、affection)唯物主义、唯心主义


Triplet method a:

1. Relational aesthetics

2. Socially engaged art\social practice

3. Social design

Triplet method b:




1、 虚假性

  • Factitiousness, artificially created or developed: a largely factitious national identity.

  • 抽象的、内在联系的

  • ‘made by human skill or effort’

  • artificial man-made

2、 虚构 Fiction

  • made up

  • 不局限于真实的创作

  • 从物上来说虚构一般是: novels, stories, (creative) writing, (prose) literature; lit.假象


  • fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes

- Web-eyes

  • the meaning of transparency

  • why shall we be transparent

  • internet-based engagement

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