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Artist in Residence: Aki Lee

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  • Shawna Chia

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS Facebook page or down below!

3pm - 5pm

Monday to Wednesday

3 Months

72+ hours Live Streaming

1.聊天 - 邊聊天邊寫筆記 (They will be chatting and writing down notes while doing so.)

2.去google drive 整理筆記 (同時進行)( They will be going onto the Google Drive to input their seperate notes, simultaneously tidying it up as they go)

3.對比筆記内容 (They will be comparing the contents presented by each other)

4.再一起整理 (They will then review and organise the notes at the end of each session together)

- Invisibility and its value  
- Process and context 
– Dialogue as well as text and information amassed on both of our ends.  
- Knowledge topography   

We are trying to observe what is invisible around us, and attempt to address and reframe its value. So we have to expand and point out possibilities of the terrain and slowly look into each of it to see what fits into frame and what doesn’t.  

Complete notes between Winnie (curator) and Aki (AIR)

Topic 1 . Process-oriented

Topic 2. Invisibilities

Topic 3. Re-framing values


dialogue as the context


invisibility → observation


  1. artistic quality & standard → reframing the value of [x]

observing things that are around but indivisible.

  • on refarming : gaze - change of perspective

  • trying to reshape value step by step.


  • dialogue - bouncing off ideas ( ping pong reflection )

→ a context and a form of presentation

  • differentiation of immaterial with new materialism

  • gaze - usually talks about bias and identity (subject position)

→ gaze 與視覺與視綫的關係

→ what are you looking at and how are you looking at it.


-research based


-探索边界(knowledge topography 、mapping cartography、地毯式搜寻、金属探测仪、扫地雷、resource hunting)从寻找它的边界开始

-knowledge crossfields:通过对话形成我们知识网络的交集 (两个人带上望远镜看远方、是否通过望远镜看到的是一样的风景呢?)

-notion of gaze 什么造成了你的观点,你怎么看,你看到什么




demonstration step by step


-democratic participation/engagement





  • problem of terminology and language - babel

  • modern - contemporary

  • globalisation

  • new vocabulary

→ socially engaged art - social practice - social design

  • micro community

  • our research is open-end

  • investigation of [ ] unknown?

  • democratic engagement to participation

*singapore researcher on language 中越邊界

knowledge topography

  • Shawna Chia

Since graduating from the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2018 with an MA in Social Design, our artist in residence Aki Lee has been working on projects that deals with social engagement, rapid urbanism, cross-culture exchanges, alternative modes of learning and knowledge transformation for the past five years. Most of her projects are time-based and process oriented, and the artistic qualities are defined by the site-specific approaches. The results and products may not always be tangible or material in their nature, but is always human-oriented.

Aki will be starting her residency with Jalan Besar Salon on 20 April. Stay tuned for more updates on her research and working process!

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