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Artist in Residence: Aki Lee

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Shawna Chia

Updated: May 1, 2020

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS page or down below!200429:

- Discussing the notion of Urbanism through the example of Corbusier 

- Effective sharing and amplification 

- Modes of presentation and showcasing after results have been achieved 

- Embracing digitalisation and isolation 

- Gaining "real feedback" : What is more real? Material reality, new reality/digital reality, or Augmented (enhanced) reality 

- The awareness of "real" 

- Invasion of the subconscious where the virtual world/social media breaks the boundaries of personal consciousness/privacy

- Control through manipulation of memory 

- Information Systems: How data is used, what kind of information does Big Data capture, edge delineation 

- Surveillance Capitalism 

- Adaptability of our generation achieved through openness cross culturally 

-- Effectiveness VS Value: 

Complete notes between Winnie (curator) & Aki (AIR)


-词条,例如 Urbanism 柯布西耶

-pre-set as an reference + perspectives



→ 非即时性的呈现:而是产生成果之后再展示

→ 直播本身不是一个即时性的分享

-delightful and instructive (引导)

-“I am not a digital artist.”

-embracing digitalisation, isolated, against

-simulacrum represented the reflections

-真实、虚构、真实的反馈。VR虚拟现实 AR


→ what’s real? Which one is more real?

  • i.e. visual vs unable to see

  • understanding → access

  • 孤立

  • 有效性 vs 价值












通过控制记忆 → manupilation


information system-数据是怎么被利用的

big data 捕捉什么样的信息=边缘描绘

behavior pattern -test

surveillance capitalism

refuse - digital waste data waste

behaviour pattern 實踐

-代际影响。social trend between generations and ages

-当下的时代 adaptability: openess

-cross cultural



-cultural heritages: at the moment nt apply to those who lived in there

social relationship, a romantic fantasy

parasocial relationship to the fictional product


it is a form of zombieism

纪念性 寓言性



→ 意义的=不一定是有用的



small talks: hi how are you











Shawna Chia

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS page or down below!

- Aki and Winnie discussed formats of presenting the fragments of dialogue: Transcript-transform

Q: Festival Oriented engagment Is he sustainable?
A: Artworks in the 1990s transformed viewers into direct conversations with neighbors or things [...] good at contact and touch. It seems more urgent to have a relationship with the present etc

- Location and location form
a. Location in pure art space (controllable)
b. Location is in the field where the art subject takes place / converges (a social scene)
c. The location is a temporary location, and multiple locations within "time and space" occurs after being quoted through the media.

- Consumption patterns dictated by the way businesses operate, the way it is affected by policy and ritual, government and religion.

- How the kaffehaus culture helped build the democratic society: Habermas Jürgen - public sphere "virtual or imaginary community which does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space” Kaffehaus is a bourgeois “western” culture (is it uniquely so?)

- PTSD, Collective Amnesia, Transforming the collective experience into a personal experience

- Creating a public sphere outside of the bourgeoisie upper echelons of society: Spaces for the working class
eg. gated communities, shopping malls, HDB satellites towns, Southeast Asian mall culture

- Sharing Economy: Co-working spaces, Hot-desking culture ironically only possible with exclusive member fee

- Are online spaces like Reddit, other parts of social media resilient to taste and class? 

- Third Space/Westworld: Cyberpunk, Cybernetics, UX/UI, technology mimicking human behaviour, life and society simulation

Complete notes between Winnie (curator) & Aki (AIR)




socius :a unit in social relationships consisting of an individual


1.界限;范围。 2.指划分界限。 3.比喻成见或宗派情绪。 4.喻隔阂。 5.境域;区域。 6.犹规矩。 隔阂:彼此情意不通,思想有距离

1、transcript-transform 如何将对话的片段再编辑、呈现。


Q Festival Oriented engagment 他是可持续的吗?

A 20世纪90年代的艺术品将观者转化为邻人或事直接的对话着[…]善于联络和触感。似乎更为迫切的是跟当下发生关系…


-Post- traumatic Disorder

- collective anmesia




-salon, kaffeehaus, cafehaus

-场所=mobile office, place for exchanging

-game/dessert/sunday-activities comsumption





a 地点在纯粹的艺术空间(可控的)

b 地点在艺术主体发生/汇聚的场域(一个社会现场)

c 地点是一个临时的地点、在通过媒介转述后发生了多重地点“时空”

------ Winnie

business operation pattern

dictates your lifestyle pattern

behaviour pattern - consumption

  • affected by policy and ritual

  • govt and religion

Habermas Jürgen - public sphere

"virtual or imaginary community which does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space”

Kaffehaus is a bourgeois “western” culture (is it uniquely so?)

kaffehaus culture helped build the democratic society

coffee and cigarette

“haehhh “

Limin & Lepak


public sphere outside of bourgeois circle?

花園公共住宅 - for working class

gated community

shopping mall

modern development

  • community activities

HDB “satellite towns”in singapore

Mall culture in SEA

Originale - KOL in the community

Key Opinion Leader - Personality

Centers - originale - KOL makes the place

what makes a place

  • conjuring power of this KOL

  • personality driven?

elements 物質

eg. cake or the cable table

  • How it creates affect?

  • 助興工具-props

  • board games from cafes

  • it directs the conversation and mode of activities (facilitate)

Hipster culture

  • starbucks trendy “to be seen “

  • positive “your rights to be public”

Ace hotel

how ideologies was capitalist

how an utopian ideas transformed into a capitalist machine

-Sharing Economy-

coworking space

hotdesking culture

-exlusive members fee

- KOL “orignale” - community manager




social media - taste and class from visual materials

Reddit - online forum - txt and information base - resilient to taste and class?

同溫層 Insulated class

information capsule - bubble


cyberpunk to cybernetic

technology mimicking human behaviour

life and society simulation


how about the Third Space

on facilitation

“He who joins the instructive with the agreeable,

carries off every vote,

by delighting and at the same time

admonishing the reader. “

Ars Poetica

by Horace

Art and Politic


digital as our 6th sense.

-信息茧 Information Cocoons

-space for KOL (web-based,globle-local-internet)


KOL:催化交易的人;网红、带货(Product endorsement)



类比联想relational aesthetics - cultural ether and cybernetic


Shawna Chia

Documentation of Aki and Winnie (curator) discussing Aki's works and current events. You can view the live recorded video on the JBS page or down below!

- Aki and Winnie discussed alternative modes of learning and knowledge transformation. 

- On the reading process: The plan was to read 4.5 hours a day however it takes 4-5 times longer as it is difficult to focus when interesting concepts and outlying ideas are brought to mind

- In fact, each paragraph has to be read at least twice, and repeated when conducting note-recording.

- Due to the density of the theories, Aki realized that she is unable to complete talking about the contents of the text on her own. In order to start effective dialogue and communication, one needs to slow down and focus on discussion points, to individually rephrase and create a new vocabulary for centralized discussion.
-Through the mode of reading together as a method of studying philosophy, translating the terms and content between English and Mandarin.

- The growth of internet based interactions and shows are now transitioning to a casual and democratic medium for collectiveness. 

- The awareness of talking to oneself. 

- "The creative process does not prioritize the materialized mode of creation", not to promote "behavior performance" or "praise the immateriality".

- Collective amnesia of Chinese history and political climate 

-Art activism, womanifesto

-  Find the intersection (Relational aesthetics \ socially engaged art \ social practise \ social design)

- Relational as a trend of (art) philosophy

- Call for the democratic nature of art and establish a cognitive intersection with viewers

- Co-activity is the source of "co" (co-living, co-create) and decentralized development of humanity, but it abandoned the human-centered main body of the 1960s because art began to be attacked by globalization, and art began to prove more Its adaptability, resiliance, and the role of art have begun to change, and they no longer pay attention to the degree of art openness (die kunst ist frei).

- Diving into Cultural Ether essay together

- On screen relationship with the other 

- Taking on of Passive/Active roles 



Complete notes between Winnie (curator) & Aki (AIR)



  • 原计划阅读速度为每天4.5h/4d完成阅读及笔记

  • 实际:一边阅读一遍笔记花费的时间是单次阅读的4-5倍;很难集中注意力,经常会联想到其他想法,并且带入太多主观想法

→ 调整为先通读、再笔记

  • 实际:一个段落起码会读2次,通过笔记偶尔会细读更多次数

  • 实际上在周日完成大量的速读

  • 理论密度很高、意识到无法单靠个人进度完成书籍内容的对谈。如果要展开有效对话和沟通,需要延迟更多的process,放慢速度,聚焦讨论点

→ 讨论调整schedule适宜

→ 目标:re phrase 建立一个新的词汇表便于集中讨论

→ 将已做笔记内容po出来

1、alternative modes of learning and knowledge transformation

  • 为什么要把一本书重新在电脑中输入一遍?

  • 通过过程,共同解构和重组一个语境

→ reading together: method of studying philosophy

→ translating the terms and languages

  • 两种语言、甚至是三种语言以上的阅读:译者还是把自己的专业语言、语境代入了翻译中。

  • 对于西方哲学、艺术史的了解成为了理解许多词汇的基础

  • 对艺术实践的了解、(个人)经验、作品信息,是深入理解的基础

  • 不同专业背景,对于理论的代入不同

→ Cross Disciplinary & triplet method

→ cross cultural

  • Transparency:通过直播读书以及笔记的过程,展现的透明度。这一行为将问题、以及思考过程的逻辑通过“特定时间、片段”和”互联网直播作为媒介“的方式,呈现和引导了(与观众思想不同的)另一个思想中对这个问题的解答。







- Reading together

- english

-畛域zhěn:1.界限;范围。 2.指划分界限。 3.比喻成见或宗派情绪。 4.喻隔阂。 5.境域;区域。 6.犹规矩。 隔阂:彼此情意不通,思想有距离



-Youtuber, knowledge transformer

-01哲学、平台-applied knowledge,

-practice\association\reverse praxis



institutional critique of RA

-festival (Thai) 生活与艺术的关系

matching objectives

-form, substain conversation,current situtation, time,

“艺术是所有人与所有时代之间的游戏(客体的人际游戏)。[马赛尔·杜尚]”,从此跨越了人们通过商品命名“艺术”的框架。[…] 这些被国际情景主义者过分吹捧的“组织性情景”完全属于这样的“游戏”,[…] 关系美学并不构成任何一种艺术理论,而是一种形式理论,因为他并不意味着任何对起源和归宿的表述。

-povocation, intervention,


-activisim/art activisim

2、寻找交集(Relational aesthetics\socially engaged art\social practise\social design)

-relational 作为一种(艺术)哲学的趋势


-共活性是“co”(co-living、co-create)以及去人类中心化发展的源头,却抛弃了60年代人为中心的主体,因为艺术开始受到全球化的侵袭,艺术开始更多的证明它的适应性,resiliance,艺术的角色开始不断的转变,亦不再关注艺术的开放程度(die kunst ist frei)。

-60年代的维也纳行动派对于维也纳艺术的影响,即使在全球化的冲击下,也很难消逝,反而我认为它更多的是强化了维也纳的social design中艺术的政治形式。在90年代艺术趋势的两向极端中,social design中的一部份实践语汇:conected、hacking、role playing更多的回应了“建立一个附近的信息网,邀请民众连系其中…个体围绕在情景式艺术品周围形成的连结……以更为激烈的方式入侵了关系的纹理中”的趋势。而不仅仅是“对于艺术世界内部关系的强调,‘召唤一种语言的颠覆’,‘强调现代主义文明的“创新’”

-public art in italy


-cutural roots;archives

-body as materials






-informality, unseen, invisible,无用的、


-rise and subsides:

The growth of internet based interactions and shows now subside to a casual meanwhile democratic medium for collectiveness.

Comments -as an informal reaction- affect …

-process→ mind map → video?

-process→ 区别于艺术作品通常的处理手法,过程为导向的艺术作品并不会过度的强化其艺术戏剧性、艺术品质以及其艺术密度、扭曲的被强化的抽象的现实……

-keywords: cyber punk-Cybernetics


3、媒介:internet、 art residency、 livestreaming 作为呈现形式,它与主题Radical Transparency的交织意义。“什么才是对的展览模式”?

  • 除此之外,这需要展现多深的真诚度?

  • 当观众增多、极其稳定时,1-自我解义开始增加(the awearness of talking to myself)2-证明性的行为3-是否展现出了某种“真理、真实性”的形成过程?大众的=真理的?……

  • 表演与在场


- salon 的汇总:中介身份、媒体、转述


5、计划:接下来对socially engage art将更多的代入亚洲、类亚洲的实践来讲,不做单一书籍阅读。到social design则结合艺术家(我)本身的案例(例如砎砖巷)来聚焦。

------ Winnie

-cutural ether:3 (also aether) Physics, archaic a very rarefied and highly elastic substance formerly believed to permeate all space, including the interstices between the particles of matter, and to be the medium whose vibrations constituted light and other electromagnetic radiation: the motion of the planets would be retarded by the ether through which they moved.

post senes artists from


  • collective anmensia

  • political climate

art activism


venice biennale Christoph Büchel shipwreck

-Reading together essay

- cultural ether essay

-screen relationship - passive/active

- visual abuse - secondary abuse

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